Benji Cole of CBS Radio interviews the author of the book “Captain Concussion: Quotes and Logic of an Interdimensional Pirate,” Madison Atteberry

Logan Crawford of Spotlight TV interviews the author of the spectacular book “The Half-Life of Secrets,” Holland Childhouse

Benji Cole of CBS Radio interviews the author of the book “From the Streets to the Hamptons,” Daniel Spaeth

Benji Cole of CBS Radio interviews the author of the book “GG Cleans House: Learning Teamwork,” Renee Goodwin

Benji Cole of CBS Radio interviews the author of the book “Health and Economics for Men,” Marcel J. Sales

Benji Cole of CBS Radio interviews the author of the book “So You Have a Disease: Devotions and Stories to Restore Hope,” Beth Praed

Benji Cole of CBS Radio interviews the authors of the book “Academic Revolution: Changing the Outdated Narrative of Education,” Justin Louis-Jean and Pierce Mortensen 

Benji Cole of CBS Radio interviews the author of the book “Liberty Epic of Shadows (Revised Edition),” L.A. Espriux

Benji Cole of CBS Radio interviews the author of the book “My Positive Moments Journal: a workbook companion to warm your days,” Jerald R. Forster and Jennifer L. Rose. 

Benji Cole of CBS Radio interviews the author of the book “Thoughts From October,” David Montes.