“Where Are You? (Coloring Edition)” by Larry B. Bachman was displayed at The Los Angeles Times Festival of Books at the University of Southern California

Every year, the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books becomes livelier and brighter due to the growing number of attendees. From book lovers, casual readers, and literary collectors to authors and publishers, people gathered to celebrate literacy.

The largest book festival in the US opened its doors last April for a glamorous two-day weekend celebration with the bookworms. Held at the University of Southern California, many book enthusiasts, book lovers, and book collectors, as well as writers, established authors, and many more, attended the free event.

A lot of bookfair-goers went by the Citi of Books booth to check for their next read and potential favorite book. One of the books that were chosen is “Where Are You? (Coloring Edition)” by Larry B. Bachman. It was displayed on April 20th and 21st at the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books at the University of Southern California.

Residing in the heart of Texas, Larry B. Bachman channels his passion for writing, with all proceeds from his latest endeavor devoted to ministry and service. This heartfelt dedication to his book echoes his profound gratitude to the divine source of inspiration, acknowledging that through the grace of the Almighty, all things are made possible.

“Where Are You?” emerges as a cherished addition to coloring children’s literature, born from an invitation to share stories during church gatherings. Within its pages lies a profound inquiry—one that resonates through the ages: “Where Are You?” It’s a question that not only beckons for a physical presence but delves deeper, probing the essence of faith itself.

Consider the weight of that question—if the divine were to ask, how would you respond? Surely, the answer lies not only in our physical location but in the depths of our beliefs. As we navigate the corridors of faith, it’s a question that reverberates within our souls, prompting introspection and reflection.

So, have you dared to ponder, “Where Are We?” As believers, where do we stand amidst the tapestry of our faith? In the echoes of Eden, where God once called out to Adam, the question lingers still, inviting us to examine our own spiritual journey.

Grab a copy here: https://staging.citiofbooks.com/book-author/larry-b-bachman/.

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