Interview with Kate Delaney

“America Tonight”: Interview with Kate Delaney

A relevant, interesting talk radio show, “America Tonight”, covers everything from breaking news to modern lifestyle topics. Interviews, games, competitions, and regular nightly featured pieces like movie and DVD reviews are frequently included in the program. On any given night, Kate Delaney speaks with a variety of guests, including prominent newsmakers and bestselling authors. The 26 million viewers of “America Tonight” are awake in the early morning hours of every day for various reasons. Ms. Delaney actively encourages viewers to call into the show to voice their opinions, and they do so.

Millions of listeners nationwide will get the chance to hear about your book from the interview with Kate Delaney, an Emmy-award winning journalist. Due to Ms. Delaney’s radio program, which draws a varied audience of listeners from all walks of life, your book has a fantastic possibility to reach millions of households across the nation.

Kate Delaney is an accomplished motivational speaker and radio personality. Every week, she serves as the host of “America Tonight” and the nationally syndicated radio program “The Kate Delaney Show” on the NBC Sports Radio Network. Furthermore, she has hosted shows on the NBC Sports Radio Network, WFAN in New York City, and KRLD in Dallas, Texas. She currently hosts the Forbes Books Radio segment of the Kate Delaney show, which highlights influential people in business every week. Three million people reach it.

She is the author of three well-known works, including Invade the Man Cave (2016) and Level the Playing Field (2011). She has received outstanding reviews for her most recent business book, released by Forbes, Deal Your Own Destiny, Increase Your Odds, Win Big and Become Extraordinary. She is particularly pleased with having assisted the Texas Rangers baseball team in securing a $25 million radio rights deal for CBS radio during her time as Executive Sports Director.

She has conducted interviews with every high-profile figure over the past 20 years, including former US President George W. Bush, Vice Presidents Joe Biden, and Dick Cheney, LeBron James, Taylor Swift, Sandra Bullock, and Adam Sandler, to name a few.