Pacific Book Review

Pacific Book Review

Book reviews help books become a known quantity. They lessen the chance that a certain book will not be at all what the reader had in mind. In fact, book reviews encourage prospective readers to understand the subject matter of a book, give them an indication of how they could respond to it, and help them decide whether this specific book will be the ideal book for them at a particular time.

For established and aspiring authors, Pacific Book Review (PBR) offers high-quality book reviews. Numerous publishers, authors, literary agencies, and media sources who rely on unbiased reviews written by professionals in various literary genres are aware of its authoritative voice. Your work will be highlighted on PBR’s homepage as either the book of the month or one of the top 5 reviews, making it the ideal marketing tool for promoting your book. The Pacific Book Awards, which honor a variety of literary works and celebrate a book’s aesthetic appeal in both the cover design and the content, also nominate books automatically.

Establishing a reputation for your book is crucial for attracting more readers to it. The professional book reviewers at Pacific Book Review (PBR) are among the most trustworthy sources in the business for approving both fiction and non-fiction titles.

Experienced authors, editors, book critics, and subject area authorities make up the pool of reviewers for Pacific Book Review. When it comes to examining a book, they are completely objective. This is also a fantastic way to sell your work.

The website and services of Pacific Book Review are widely known to agents, publishers, librarians, bookstores, and readers. Distributor’s databases, which are accessible to 70,000 bookstores and librarians, also syndicate all reviews.

Turnaround time for review 5-7 weeks 3 weeks5-7 weeks3 weeks
PDF tear sheet
Exclusive author interview posted on PBR Channels
Press release distributed to media outlets
Featured Star Author Interview or Star Author Interview link on PBR homepage for 1 month
The Top Published Author Interview page
Exclusive author interview
400-600 word professional review
PBR homepage featured book of the monthEligibleEligible
PBR homepage top 5 reviewsEligibleEligible
Review link for Amazon***, Barnes & Noble and more listings
Review links for authors’ website and COB Press’ portal
Review posting on PBR’s social media sites
Starred reviewEligibleEligible
Cover Revision Inclusion with COB Press Platinum Book Distinction**
Pacific Book Awards NominationGuaranteedGuaranteed